Dear Yasmin,
Wow! You are tanned! We went to the zoo this morning!
Daddy, mommy and auntie Annie took you to the zoo this morning. We prepared potatoes salad, roast chicken sandwiches and drinks to pinic in the zoo.
You were so amazed when we first visited the polar bears. The mommy and son polar bears were so huge and white. It was so hot in the morning, they hid in the water the whole day. They love bathing just like you!
Our little flower Yasmin dosed off after the polar bears, so we went inside the air-con room to rest and let you sleep for an hour. It was so cool inside, and there were 4 other babies inside sleeping!
We then went to the butterfly room and your eyes opened so big following the butterflies zooming here and there. A puple butterfly even stopped on your hat! we took so many pictures there!

Afterwards, we went to the children's play area, we went to the KFC and found a place to sit down so mommy could feed you your lunch, we all had picnic with some KFC chicken too! Daddy then took you to the play pool and wow, you were so happy as soon as you stood inside the pool. you kept jumping, squealing, laughing, making happy happy sound. You splashed water until your butt was all wet and daddy was all wet.
We visited the children's zoo afterwards and you seemed to attract the attention of the goats. You took pictures with the piggies with mommy and we saw some little mouse suckling on their mommy. Just like you do on the bed.
It threathend to rain soon, and we hurried home. Before we left, we took picture with the very big cow infront of Ben and Jerry's ice-cream.

What a wonderful outing!!