Dear Yasmin,
This week is Aaapple!! and Meow Meow week for you!
Mommy taught you to say Apple, and you started saying Aaapple to everything including a tomato, and the red pepper. You makes the Meow Meow sound whenever we say the word Cat and the woow woow sound when you see a dog!
Last night mommy showed you 3 picture cards, Apple, Orange and Banana... when Daddy saied Apple, you pointed to the apple and you said 'Aaaapple'. When I said orange, you pointed to the orange card too! So clever!
On Sunday, daddy and the group of Woodland mommies and daddies went to the countryside. We visited a Goat Farm where you fed baby kids dried grass and we also visited a frog farm. We had lunch at an Organic farm and we had a walk in the farm after lunch. We had so much fun! It was great playing with Patrick, Sam, Shanice, and all the babies again.