Dear Yasmin,
This morning we had so much fun feeding goats!
We went to a goat farm in Sungei Buloh this morning. You were so excited on the journey to the farm. You saw a tree and shouted 'Banana Tree' and sure enough, it was a banana tree..... we just wonder how do you it is a banana tree, we've never shown you one before....
When we arrived at the farm, you ran all the way to the barns where the goats are kept. You screamed 'goat! goat! mehhhhh... mehhhh... ' and stop and stared at the goats.... one of them put its head over the gate and sniffed your hair!!
We fed goats with dried grass, and you laughed when goats ate grass from your hand and you felt tickled by their tongues.
Afterwards Daddy bought bottles of goat milk for you to try. Since you are allergic to Cow's milk, you have not been able to take any dairy products containing cow's milk including ice-cream (your favourite, but you'd have rash around your mouth), strawberry with milk, even the cream on cakes.... You always reject cow's milk even the glass of milk is arm's length from you. However you seemed to like goat milk and you had no rashes. Daddy now has idea to make ice cream with goat milk for you to try!!
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